Bassa (Cameroon)

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The Bassa (also called Basa or Basaa) are an ethnic group of Cameroon .

This people, of which there are a total of 230,000 members in Cameroon, is a Bantu people . Their language is the Bassa .

Culinary specialties


The most famous Cameroonian dishes that go back to the Basaa country are:

  • The bongo tjobi
  • The mintumba , made from manioc bread , is made from malaxed manioc mixed with palm oil , salt and allspice , wrapped in banana leaves and tied, cooked and finally served.
  • Most coconut dishes


  • Ilsemargret Luttmann: Les Bassa sous L'influence des conditions coloniales allemandes: une étude sur une société segmentaire et acéphale . Dissertation, submitted at the University of Hamburg 1997. 4 microfiches.


  • Psalmody bassa: Religious songs from Cameroon . Choir of the Bassa under the direction of Abbé Aloys Lihan. Calig-Verlag, Freiburg 1966. Record 45 / min; 17 cm
  • Missa Bassa: mass chants from Cameroon . Choir of the Bassa under the direction of Abbé Aloys Llhan. Calig-Verlag, Freiburg 1966. Record 45 / min; 17 cm

Individual evidence

  1. M. Guthrie, The Bantu Languages ​​of Western Equatorial Africa , pp. 28-40
  2. Pierre Lemb, François de Gastines, Dictionnaire basaá-français , pp. 23-28
  3. Dominique Nyacka, Joseph Mben Mben, Basogol b nkal le. Textes basaá pour l'enseignement , p. 14
  4. ^ Pierre Lemb, François de Gastines, Dictionnaire basaá-français , p. 28