Bavarian Forest Owners Association

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The Bavarian Forest Owners Association , founded in 1918, is the professional and political representation of forest owners in Bavaria . Originally founded as a regional association for the Bavarian non-state forest, the Bavarian Forest Owners Association today represents the interests of private, municipal, church and state forest ownership as an association. Around 110,000 forest owners are organized in the association.

The Bavarian Forest Owners Association claims to be committed to the sustainable management of the forest on the entire area. The management should secure a livelihood for its owner and enable him to maintain all functions of the forest for the whole of society and to secure them for future generations.

Securing property and independent management within the framework of the applicable regulations and laws is the main task of the association.

The office of the Bavarian Forest Owners Association in Munich was supplemented in 2018 by an office in Northern Bavaria in Scheßlitz near Bamberg.

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