Bedri Yagan

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Bedri Yağan (* 1959 in Erzurum ; † March 6, 1993 in Istanbul ) was one of the founders and leaders of the militant-revolutionary Turkish organization Devrimci Sol .

On October 25, 1989, Yağan and Dursun Karataş escaped together from Bayrampaşa Detention Center in Istanbul . He was later sentenced to death in absentia. The sentence was soon commuted to life imprisonment. Yağan meanwhile went to Lebanon to organize guerrilla training for party comrades.

In 1992 open power struggles broke out within the organization between Bedri Yağan and Dursun Karataş, which in 1993 led to a final split and bloody conflicts. Bedri Yağan tried to take power within the organization on September 13, 1992 and imprisoned his rival Karataş in his apartment. The takeover of power failed. From then on, Bedri Yağan and his followers were referred to as darbeciler ("putschists") within the Devrimci Sol . In early March 1993, Yağan was killed in an exchange of fire with Turkish security forces in Kartal / Istanbul . Menekşe Meral, Gürcan Özgür and the married couple Asiye and Rıfat Kasap, in whose house the firefight took place, were also killed. The couple's young children survived unharmed. The press and the presidium of the then social democrat Halkçı Parti (SHP) spoke of an execution. Dursun Karataş was suspected of having betrayed his rival to the police.

Even after his death, there were bloody clashes between the Yağan and Karataş wings within the organization.

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Individual evidence

  2. Samih Teymur University of North Texas August 2004
  4. Press release of the Attorney General 1998
  5. Berliner Zeitung of October 25, 1996