Load regulation

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The load regulation is a management system for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to compensate for a lack of flexibility and changeability in production structures with flexibility in short to long-term product structures.

Based on the basic structure of a control loop , this includes, as an extension of the permanent structural adaptation, the return on capacity as a reference variable as well as the time spread, the time requirement function and the load cross-section of products as auxiliary control variables. The return on capacity is based on the assumption that fixed costs in production represent a lower limit in capacity utilization .

Individual evidence

  1. Philipp Kroß: Multi-scale load regulation in the varied series production of SMEs . In: Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart (ed.): Stuttgart contributions to production research . tape 20 . Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-8396-0597-4 , pp. 176 .