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The benefactive is a semantic role that is often expressed in the declension by a case . The term describes participants in the action who are beneficiaries (or victims) of an action. In many languages ​​there is no special case for this, but the dative is used , as in German . The Basque however, used for this purpose a suffix - (r) entza (t) instead of the dative provided with -ri is formed. Also in other languages, such as B. Quechua , this category occurs. In the description of Tamil , the benefaktiv (formed from the combination of the dative with the suffix -āka ) is sometimes counted as a separate case, even if this is not common in traditional grammar.

An example from Basque:

liburu-a lagun-entza-ko there
Book that Freund-Benefaktiv-Relational is
"The book is for the friends."

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Lehmann: A Grammar of Modern Tamil, Pondicherry 1989, p. 35 f.

Web links

Wiktionary: Benefaktiv  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations