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R. Berekhja (also Berekhja , in the Midrashim , where he is quoted over 300 times, often Berekhja ha-Kohen , called Hakohen or Berabbi in both Talmuds ) was a fifth generation Amora in Palestine and lived and worked in the fourth century AD.

He was the son of Chija, a Babylonian by birth, but probably came to Palestine at a young age.

Calcja was Chelbo's most important student and is often listed as his tradent.

Well-known sayings of Berekja are:

Happy man who rules sin and does not allow himself to be controlled by it (on Ps 32.1)
Blessed are those whose hour of death resembles the hour of their birth, who dies as pure and innocent as they were born (to Koh 3.2)
