Berengar (Verdun)

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Berengar (Latin Berengerus , French Berénger , † August 12 after 965) was Bishop of Verdun from 940 to 959/962.


Berengar was of noble Saxon origin and a relative of King Otto I. He was appointed Bishop of Verdun by him and consecrated in 940 by Archbishop Artold of Reims . In that year Otto had also briefly made his brother Heinrich Duke of Lorraine.

Bishop Berengar took part in the Synod of Verdun in 947 and in Ingelheim the following year . In 952 he founded the Benedictine monastery of Saint Vanne in Verdun, whose rights he received that year from King Otto I and four years later from Pope John XII. confirmed. Between 959 and 962 he was replaced as bishop by Wigfried . Berengar was, however, still in a document from Pope John XIII. , who officiated from 965 to 972, named as bishop of the St Vanne monastery, dated to 971. He died on an August 12th.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regest II, 1 n.79a Regesta Imperii
  2. ^ Regest II, 5 n.265 Regesta Imperii
predecessor Office successor
Bernoin Bishop of Verdun
around 939–959 / 962