Bereshit Zuta

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Bereshit Zuta ( בראשית זוטא 'Little Genesis' ) is an aggadic midrash to Genesis . It was written by Samuel ben Nissim Masnut , who worked in Aleppo at the beginning of the 13th century .

The name Bereschit Zuta (to distinguish it from the great Midrash Bereschit Rabba ) was given to the work of Salomon Buber , who published Masnut's works for the first time in 1889, in the only surviving manuscript it is called the Midrash of R. Samuel Masnut .

It is a compilation of the entire rabbinical literature , which was put together from the smallest units that were not quoted. The author preferred the interpretation of Genesis in the literal sense . In his commentary he relied heavily on the Targumim and the Peschitta and literally took over parts of the grammarist and exgete David Kimchi , which he supplemented with rabbinic quotations. In the Bereshit Zuta the passages from Genesis 1.23 to 8.16 are missing, presumably because the corresponding passages were lost in the tradition.


  • Mordekhai Ha-Kohen (ed.): Samuel ben Nissim Masnuth: Midrash Bereshit Zuta . Mosad Harav Kook, Jerusalem 1962.


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  1. ^ Samuel ben Nissim Masnut in the Jewish Virtual Library
  2. ^ Salomon Buber: Samuel b. R. Nissim Masnut Ma'ajan Gannim ... al Sefer Job . Berlin, 1889.
  3. Günter Stemberger: Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash . CH Beck, Munich 2011, p. 396.
  4. ^ Title recording of the Israeli National Library