Mountain festival (metaphor)

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Bergfest refers to the formal and perceived distinctive point in time in the middle of a certain period of time. In contrast to the identically applicable but rather objective-neutral word “ Halftime ”, “Bergfest” is more complex and has an evaluative component. The period under consideration is compared with a mountain climb. The mountain symbol indicates that the section you have already completed has been strenuous or otherwise demanding and that you hope to conquer the remaining section with less effort, despite the same length. For example, half of the week is celebrated on Wednesdays (“Wednesday is mountain festival”).

Student body

Mountain festivals are especially celebrated in only temporary communities, e.g. B. during your studies, where they are partly traditionally anchored.


The mountain festival at the Technical University of Ilmenau, for example, consists of several events, some of which have been taking place in this form for over 30 years, such as the mountain festival lecture , beer athlon and the mountain festival ball . The Bergfestfilm, the Bergfesttheater or the soap box race have not been around for quite that long . Overall, this mountain festival extends over five days with numerous events. It was first mentioned over 50 years ago, with the mountain festival then consisting of a big parade through the city and a big festival afterwards. This makes it one of the highlights of the academic year. Since 2005, a registered association organized by students has taken care of the continuation of this tradition.

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Leipzig is celebrating a similarly long and traditional mountain festival. The beginning is not exactly known, but since 1989 there has been an animal as a mascot, a color and a logo for every Bergfest registration. Start is Tuesday midnight and it ends on Saturday with the summer festival. Songs are being repositioned, there are several mountain festival lectures, games with the clinics and institutes, a mountain festival film, a mountain festival ball and, since 2010, a mountain festival dance.


The traditional mountain festival at the Bundeswehr is celebrated when half of the service time is reached.


In some areas of Germany, the mountain festival is also a celebration organized by the 12th grade of the grammar school , the proceeds of which are used to finance the Abitur celebration in the following year.


The mountain festival for larger film productions takes place in the middle of the shooting. Filming usually begins with a small warm-up party . At the end of the shooting ( principal photography , i.e. the main shooting without re-shooting) there is the closing ceremony, also known as the wrap party . It is therefore scheduled before the re-shoots, as the additional shooting is usually only done by a fraction of the original team.


Analogies to the Bergfest can be found in larger art exhibitions in the form of the midissage as well as in theater or film when half of a planned series of performances or shooting time has been reached.


  • Ulrich Hagen: Army in Democracy: On the relationship between civil and military principles. Publication series of the Social Science Institute of the Bundeswehr Springer-Verlag, 2007, ISBN 978-3-531-90167-1 , p. 113, 4.4. (Excerpt from Google Books)

Individual evidence

  1. Bergfest - spelling, meaning, definition -
  2. ^ Bergfest eV of the TU Ilmenau
  3. ^ Clemens Range: The tolerated army: 50 years of the Bundeswehr. Translimes Media, 2005, ISBN 3-00-015382-9 , p. 107.