Mountain land register

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The mining land register (also mountain mortgage book ) is like the land register a public register in which the mines , their owners, trades and field sizes are listed. It is held at the local courts .

History in the Rhineland and Westphalia

The mountain mortgage books were the forerunners of the mountain land registers. They were already prescribed by the Kleve-Märkische Bergordnung of 1738. At first it was only introduced as a courage, loan and confirmation book. With the Mountain Regulations of 1766, proper management was refined through the creation of so-called mountain books, which were kept by the competent mountain courts in Prussia until 1849 . When they were dissolved, so-called mountain mortgage books were kept by the mining authorities from 1849 to 1861 . From 1861 this task was taken over by the so-called mountain mortgage commissions at the senior mining offices , whose members had to be qualified to hold judicial office . The Westphalian mountain mortgage commission had its seat in Dortmund, that of the Rhineland in Siegen.

With the Prussian General Mining Act of 1865 , the management of the mining mortgage books was transferred to the land registry at the local courts. The Berghypothekenkommission Siegen was dissolved on October 1, 1867 and that in Dortmund on May 1, 1875. The introduction of the new mountain land registers happened differently gradually. For example, the Bensberg District Court only started doing this in 1891.

Since 2011, the mining land register for the entire state of North Rhine-Westphalia has been kept by the Recklinghausen District Court .


  1. a b Jens Heckl : Sources on mining in Westphalia , publications of the Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen 33, Düsseldorf 2010, ISBN 978-3-932892-28-8
  2. § 7 GrundbAutV, concentration of the management of the mining land register. In: Retrieved August 24, 2018 .