Trades (mining)

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One trade union was a shareholder in a mining union .

Word origin

The earliest use of the personal designation crafts is documented for the 13th century, the term always appears in connection with the assertion of legal and property claims, but never in connection with the actual work in the mine.

In the mining dictionary the trade is described as follows:

"A trade is that owns a colliery , stamp mill , smelter or part of it, and receives a guarantee certificate about it, [...]"

- Johann Christoph Stößel : Mining Dictionary , p. 223

In Hungary the trades were called forest citizens .

Legal Status

A trade acquired one or more Kuxes (sometimes only parts of a Kuxes) and thereby a share in the mine exhibiting the Kuxes ; it built Kuxes . This obliged him to give the mine capital ( to pay additional fees) and entitled him to participate in the possible profit of the mine ( to raise the yield ).

If a trade held all the kuxe of a colliery, it was called a sole trade .
Age trades
If a colliery had fallen into the mountain free and a new entrepreneur wanted to start operations again, he was obliged to post this publicly for four weeks ( offer ) so that the old trades that had paid their additional fines could decide whether to return their kuxe wanted to build (re-participate in the mine) or not. This applied for a period of one year and one day, after which this obligation no longer applies.
Blind trades
“Blind” trades were those trades that did not live near the mine.
Obedient and misplaced trades
If a trade regularly paid its penalties within the prescribed period, it was called an obedient trade ; if it did not do so, it was called a misplaced trade .

Trade day

The trade day was a large gathering of all trades in a mine, comparable to the general meeting of a stock corporation. The use of union assets was discussed and decided at the trade union conference.


  • Anton von Pantz : The trades under the spell of the Styrian ore mountain . Verlag der Historisch-Genealogische Gesellschaft Adler, Vienna 1918

Web links

Wiktionary: Trades  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Trades, trades, m. . In: Jacob Grimm , Wilhelm Grimm : German Dictionary . Hirzel, Leipzig 1854–1961 ( , University of Trier). Volume 6, columns 5642-5657
  2. Johann Christoph Stößel (Ed.): Mining dictionary, in which the German terms and idioms and at the same time the Latin and French in writers are displayed . Chemnitz 1778, p. 223 .
  3. a b c d e f Heinrich Veith: German mountain dictionary with documents . Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, Breslau 1871, p. 239 ff .
  4. Offer  2). In: Heinrich August Pierer , Julius Löbe (Hrsg.): Universal Lexicon of the Present and the Past . 4th edition. tape 1 . Altenburg 1857, p. 460 ( ).