Report through Pomerania

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The report by Pomerania with the subtitle was newlichst vorgangen was a weekly newspaper that appeared in the 17th century in Stettin or Danzig .

Copies of the newspaper have survived from the 1630s, namely in the Greifswald University Library from the years 1636 and 1637, in the Gdansk City Library from the years 1632 and 1635 and several numbers in the Royal Library in Stockholm (as of 1936).

The newspaper does not name the place of publication. The historian Johannes Luther (1861–1954) assumed Stettin as the place of publication, then it would be the oldest known newspaper in Pomerania . According to another guess, she appeared in Danzig .

The newspaper contains reports from the kingdom and abroad. Most editions begin with a report from Szczecin. The coverage of the Thirty Years War, which has been waged since 1618, takes up a lot of space .


  • The oldest Pomeranian newspaper. In: Pommersches Heimatbuch. Born in 1961, pp. 54–56.


  1. Martin Wehrmann : The Pomeranian newspapers and magazines in old and new times. Society for Newspaper and Book Printing in Pomerania, 1936, pp. 67–68.
  2. ^ Günther Ost: The oldest Pomeranian newspapers. In: Baltic Studies . Volume 34 NF, 1932, p. 213 ff.