Berlin International Opera

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The Berlin International Opera (BIO) was founded in 2006 by an international group of young singers who were looking for new challenges. At the time, major cuts in Berlin's cultural funding resulted in less conventional performance opportunities. The opera company set itself the goal of bringing opera to the stage in its original form ("pure opera"), "without the barriers and inhibitions of the bourgeois music industry, without rituals and without a large house."

The Berlin International Opera's first production in March 2007 was Mozart's Don Giovanni . Musicians from seven nations formed the ensemble at the time - directed by Jean-Ronald LaFond and the musical direction of Kanako Nakagawa ( Hanns Eisler University of Music ).

In September 2007 the Berlin International Opera presented Le nozze di Figaro under the direction of Anke Rauthmann in the Grunewalder Löwenpalais and later in the Saalbau Neukölln . Verdi's Macbeth followed in the 2007/08 season; staged in the HomeBase Lounge at Potsdamer Platz . The club's 360 ° panorama projection surface was used for image projections.

In 2010, in cooperation with Theater Thikwa Berlin, Menotti's chamber opera "The Medium" and Barber's opera miniature "A Hand of Bridge" (directed by A. Rauthmann and JR La Fond) followed, as well as the German premiere of David Conte's Christmas opera "The Gift of the Magi" at the English Theater Berlin (director: Anke Rauthmann, musical director: Kanako Nakagawa, stage: Robert Pflanz, film: Ahmet Golbol).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Tagesspiegel from March 11, 2008