Berlin tenants' association

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The Berliner Mieterverein is an advocacy group for tenants in Berlin and, according to its own statements, with 176,738 members, is the largest of four tenant associations in the federal capital. The Berlin tenants' association has the legal form of a registered association . As a regional association in Berlin, it is a member of the German Tenants 'Association , the umbrella organization of tenants' associations in Germany. The purpose of the association according to the statutes is to enforce tenant interests in housing and rental policy and to protect them from disadvantages under tenancy law.


The Berlin tenants' association was founded in 1888 - at that time as the association of Berlin apartment tenants . As early as 1890 it had more than 6,000 members. After the end of the First World War , the association merged with other associations to form the Greater Berlin Tenants' Association . It has had its current name since 1934. During the decades of German division , the association was limited to the three western sectors of Berlin . After the establishment of German unity , he expanded his work to all of Berlin again.


The association is represented by the voluntary board of directors consisting of the chairman, treasurer and secretary. Each member is elected for three years by the delegates' assembly. According to the statutes, re-elections are possible. Rainer Tietzsch has been chairman since 2014. There is a three-person management with a managing director and two deputies.

Focus of work

The main task of the association is to represent tenants' interests in housing and rental policy and in tenancy law. Tenants who become members receive legal advice from the association, support in correspondence with landlords, legal protection against tenants for legal proceedings and regular information on tenant and apartment issues. The association conducts around 85,000 consultations each year. In addition, the association acts as a mediator if members get into a dispute with neighbors or roommates. The association is recognized as an interest group by the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing and is actively involved in drawing up the Berlin rent index . In terms of political work, the tenants 'association positions itself in cooperation with citizens' initiatives in state and federal politics on questions of housing policy.

The Berlin tenants' association is one of the 78 selected associations in Germany that are allowed to carry out a model declaratory action .

The association supports the law on the Berlin rent cap and advocates the expropriation of large housing associations.


The tenants' association published ten times a year the tenant magazine .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Annual report 2018 of the Berliner Mieterverein eV Association structure . In: Berliner Mieterverein eV August 30, 2012 ( [accessed November 25, 2018]).
  2. Association structure . In: Berliner Mieterverein eV August 30, 2012 ( [accessed November 25, 2018]).
  3. Isabell Jürgens: Berlin tenants' association has been fighting for tenants for 130 years . November 24, 2018 ( [accessed November 25, 2018]).
  4. ^ History - A look back ... In: Berliner Mieterverein . July 28, 2013 ( [accessed November 25, 2018]).
  5. Board of Directors & Management . In: Berliner Mieterverein eV August 30, 2012 ( [accessed November 25, 2018]).
  6. a b Berlin tenants' association: 85,000 consultations . In: The daily newspaper: taz . June 22, 2017, ISSN  0931-9085 , p. 22 ( [accessed November 25, 2018]).
  7. ^ Federal Office of Justice: List of qualified institutions in accordance with Section 4 of the Injunctive Action Act (UKlaG). Retrieved June 6, 2019 .
  8. Berlin rent cover. Tenants' association welcomes senate resolution and supports the state rent cap. Press release No. 25/2019. In: Retrieved November 29, 2019 .
  9. .