Bertrand Renouvin

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Bertrand Renouvin

Bertrand Renouvin (born June 15, 1943 in Paris ) is a French royalist politician.

Renouvin is the founder of the Nouvelle Action Royaliste party , which campaigns for the re-establishment of a constitutional monarchy in France. His general political direction is controversial: although he is considered a rather conservative Gaullist , on the other hand he supported the social democrat François Mitterrand . He regularly publishes anti-liberal articles in the Royalist magazine , which appears twice a month.

In 1974 he ran for the presidential election and got 0.17 percent of the vote. In the 1981 and 1988 elections, he supported the victorious Mitterrand. In the 2002 election , he voted for the candidate Jean-Pierre Chevènement . Renouvin's political role model is Simeon II , the former King of Bulgaria, who returned to power democratically elected.

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Individual evidence

  1. Quand des royalistes appellent à la grève générale