Domestic Narcotics Regulation

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Basic data
Title: Domestic Narcotics Regulation
Abbreviation: BtMBinHV
Type: Federal Ordinance
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany
Legal matter: Administrative lawpharmaceutical law  
References : 2121-6-24-1
Issued on: December 16, 1981
( BGBl. I p. 1425 )
Entry into force on: January 1, 1982
Last change by: Art. 1 VO from 17 August 2011
( Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1754 )
Effective date of the
last change:
September 2, 2011
(Art. 2 of August 17, 2011)
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Ordinance on the Domestic Narcotics Trade in accordance with the German Narcotics Act (BtMG) regulates the sale and purchase of the substances listed in Annex II and III of the BtMG ( narcotics ) among authorized participants in the narcotics trade (e.g. drug manufacturers, drug wholesalers, pharmacies, etc.).

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