Business education

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The Corporate Education is the science of occupational learning, development and change processes. She develops theoretical concepts for corporate learning. In doing so, she assumes a broad concept of learning that includes not only the explicit but also informal learning processes (see informal learning ) that are implicit in all change processes. The use of these learning processes offers great opportunities for the success of developments and changes.

Classification of the subject

The organization of learning in businesses is the primary task of operating educators. It is also about supporting executives in developing their own personality and developing their employees. As an educational science discipline, business education stands in a field of tension between the ideas of (economically) dominated management research and educational science issues. These challenges can only be clarified through dialogue. The operational educational tasks include:

A holistic learning concept has established itself in company education. Leadership (education) as a pedagogical task means using professionally organized learning as a management tool. A corporate culture in which employees and professional managers enjoy working together ensures the future (economic) success of a company or organization. There are, however, also critical voices: The positive connection between a “good” corporate culture and the economic development of a company is always postulated. A connection between these two factors has often been proven, but not really the direction of the effect: Is the economic success so great because the culture is so positively shaped or can the company afford a stimulating culture because of the economic success? Such impact analyzes are only possible in a longitudinal section.


So far, the following works have been published in the " Current Company Education " series :

  • Matthias v. Balance: questioning and observation in the company . Hohengehren: Schneider, 1998. ISBN 978-3-896-76040-1 .
  • Matthias v. Balancing: Basics of systemic organizational development . Hohengehren: Schneider, 1998. ISBN 978-3-896-76041-8 .
  • Matthias v. Balancing: Leading through conversations . Hohengehren: Schneider, 1998. ISBN 978-3-896-76042-5 .
  • Matthias v. Saldern: (Ed.). Bullying . Hohengehren: Schneider, 2002. ISBN 978-3-896-76599-4 .
  • Andreas Schelten: Introduction to Vocational Education . Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-515-08440-1 .
  • Petersen, Jendrik: Dialogic Management. Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt 2003

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