Beur ( feminine : Beurette ) is an expression for Arabs , especially of North African origin, in France. It comes from the young game language Verlan , but has entered common usage. As usual with Verlan, the term was formed by reversing the (French pronounced) syllables: 'arabe' becomes 'a-ra-beu', reversed to 'beu-ra-a', this contracted to 'beur'.
The term refers to the offspring of immigrants from Algeria , Morocco and Tunisia ( Maghreb ) in France who either came to France as children or were born there as members of the second generation of immigrants. Through integration problems and - not always voluntary - ghettoization has among the Beurs among other things, its own literary , musical as cinematic subculture ( Cinéma Beur formed).
In the 1980s, the expression Black, blanc, beur ("black, white, Arabic") was based on the "bleu, blanc, rouge" of the tricolor . This expression should underline the multiethnic nature of France. A youth show dance group of the same name was created, recruited from young unemployed people from the Paris suburbs of different skin color, which also performed successfully in Germany. This term was and is also popular in connection with the French national football team . Women's football also shows it there: Olympique Lyon won the European Cup in 2011 with a team of five or six young “Beur” women.
Since 'beur' has entered common usage, it is in turn twisted into 'rebeu' in Verlan itself.
- Nora Barsali, François Freland and Anne-Marie Vincent (eds.): Générations Beurs. Français à part entière . Editions Autrement 2003
- Philippe Bernard: La crème des beurs. De l'immigration à l'intégration . Seuil 2004
- Hafid Gafaïti (ed.): Cultures transnationales de France. Des «Beurs» aux ...? L'Harmattan 2001
On Beur literature:
- Alec G. Hargreaves: La littérature beur: Un guide bio-bibliographique . CELFAN Edition Monographs, New Orleans 1992
- Alec G. Hargreaves: Voices from the North African Immigrant Community in France. Immigration and Identity in Beur Fiction . Berg, New York / Oxford 1991/1997
- Michel Laronde: Autour du roman beur. Immigration et identité . L'Harmattan 1993
- Laura Reeck: Writerly Identities in Beur Fiction and Beyond . Lexington 2011
- Hans-Martin Möller: Integration or "intégrisme"? The Beurs and their literature in French lessons , in: Horizon Shifts. Intercultural understanding and heterogeneity in Romania. Festschrift for Karsten Garscha on his 60th birthday. Ed. Claudius Armbruster , Karin Hopfe. Gunter Narr, Tübingen 1998 pp. 257-270. Can be viewed in Google books
- Littérature et Guerre d'Algérie. Student book. Ed. Walther Fekl, Hans-Martin Möller. Cornelsen Verlag , 1992
Individual evidence
- ↑ Sarah Fuchs: Verlan, l'envers. Reversing language and reflecting culture. In: Languages in a Global World. Learning for better cultural understanding. 2nd edition, OECD, Paris 2015, p. 154.