Bibliography on German grammar

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The bibliography on German grammar includes published articles, monographs, edited volumes, reference works, etc. on the grammar of contemporary German since about 1965, e.g. T. also earlier works. It is maintained at the Institute for German Language (IDS) in Mannheim . In doing so, she continues the bibliographic work that Peter Eisenberg , Alexander Gusovius and Bernd Wiese began around 1980 at the Free University of Berlin ( FUB ) and at the University of Potsdam . After a cooperation agreement in 1999, all data as well as the existing technical and bibliographical know-how were transferred to the IDS.

The title of the bibliography says it all: works dealing with the grammar of the German language are included. "Grammar" is understood in a rather broad sense, which is why some things are included that might not be directly included in the subject area. In contrast, the lack of reference to the German language is a definitive exclusion criterion. Work on other languages ​​will only be considered if they are typologically or contrastively related to German.

Current scope (2013): approx. 30,000 entries

Project progress

  • 1980 Beginning of literature collection on index cards at the Free University of Berlin
  • 1985 First book publication (1965–1983): Eisenberg / Gusovius (1985)
  • 1988 Publication of the second extended edition (1965–1986): Eisenberg / Gusovius (1988)
  • 1989 conversion to a database system under MS-DOS
  • 1992 Continuation of work at the Institute for German Studies at the University of Potsdam
  • 1995 Publication of the third edition (1984–1994): Eisenberg / Wiese (1995)
  • 1995 Conversion to a multi-user capable client / server database system
  • 1999 Continuation of work at the Institute for German Language in Mannheim and integration in grammis ( grammatical information system )
  • 1999 migration to an object-relational database management system
  • 2003 Publication of the fourth edition (1994–2002): Frosch / Schneider / Strecker / Eisenberg (2003)
  • 2006 Reorganization of the keyword list and connection to a grammatical ontology
  • 2008 Publication of the fifth edition (2003–2007): Frosch / Schneider / Strecker (2008)
  • 2013 Publication of the sixth edition (2008–2012): Frosch / Schneider / Strecker (2013)

Web links

Current print version

  • Frosch, Helmut / Schneider, Roman / Strecker, Bruno (2013): Bibliography on German grammar. 2008–2012 , Studies on German Grammar, Volume 84. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.