Bielefeld Kennelhuhn

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Bielefeld Kennelhuhn
Bielefeld Kennelhuhn
Bielefelder Kennhuhn, kennsperber
Origin: Germany
Year: 1980
Colour: Kennsperber; Silver Kennsperber
Weight: Rooster 3 - 4 kg,
hen 2.5 - 3.25 kg
Laying output per year: 230 eggs
Eggshell color: brown
Egg weight: 60 g
Breeding standards: BDRG
List of breeds of chicken

The bielefelder kennhuhn is a domestic chicken breed that in the 1970s by Gerd Roth from Amrocks , Mechel Africans , New Hampshire and Rhode countries was bred. The name Kennhuhn comes from the fact that the rooster chicks and the hen chicks have differently drawn feathers and can therefore be recognized on the first day of life. The cockchick shows a light brown stripe on the back and a white sparrowhawk spot on the head on a yellow downy ground. The hen chick, on the other hand, is light brown with deep dark brown, almost black stripes on the back and a small sparrowhawk spot on the center of the head.


The domestic chicken breed Bielefelder Kennhuhn was bred by Gerd Roth and in 1976 in Hanover for the first time as a new breed "Deutsches Kennhuhn" presented to the Association of German Breed Poultry Breeders (BDRG). The objections of the special associations were directed against the designation Deutsches Kennhuhn. The breeding committee gave the recommendation to find a local or regional name. The new breed was named "Bielefelder Kennhühner" because of the ties to the Bielefeld City Association through the breeder's board activities. With the breed name "Bielefelder Kennhühner" the path of this chicken is clearly mapped out after the breeding committee of the BDRG has accepted this name. In 1980 it was fully recognized by the breeding committee of the BDRG. Four years later, after repeated presentations at federal shows, the dwarf breed was recognized as Bielefeld dwarf kennel .


  • Walter Schwarz and Armin Six: The large poultry standard in color Volume 1 Chickens - turkey guinea fowl , 7th, revised and supplemented edition, Oertel + Spörer, Reutlingen 2004, ISBN 3-88627-511-6
  • Horst Schmidt: chickens and bantams . 1999, ISBN 978-3-8001-7342-6

Web links

Commons : Bielefelder Kennhuhn  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Breed table for chickens. (PDF file, 1.2 MB) BDRG , accessed on October 10, 2011 .