Image archive in the Bremen State Archive

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The Bremen State Archives

As a modern documentation center, the picture archive in the State Archive of Bremen collects the photographic tradition of the city and the state of Bremen . It stores all kinds of photographic materials and makes them available for research and the interested public. The picture collection currently has around 1.7 million negatives and positives.

The Bremen city image archive was brought into being on November 30, 1937 in the then government chancellery. As early as 1943, as part of the administrative simplification, the Bremen State Archive was entrusted with its continuation. Initially, photo reports on current events, topographical information and portraits were collected. The increase was mainly due to the acquisition of closed holdings or collections. In 1957, the plan was to increase the stock of images by taking our own photographs. However, this procedure has been discontinued since the mid-1980s, so that the population is now increasing through the submission of images by authorities, companies, associations and other institutions, but above all by private individuals.


The picture archive currently has around 1.7 million negatives and positives. Some of this is in the state archives' holdings, e.g. B. Pictures of the Bremer Vulkan , the documentation of the air raids on Bremen 1940–1945, pictures of the North German Mission Society .

The image archive itself comprises the following parts:

Single images

Positives and negatives, etc. a. the Kippenberg, Prosch and Sporleder photo collections acquired in the 1940 / 1960s.

Photographer discounts

  • Hermann Reil (1888 – around 1970), creative period 1930–1946, in the State Archives since 1964, focus: current affairs
  • Rudolph Stickelmann (1870–1956) and Hermann Stickelmann (1901–1973), creative period 1901–1973, in the State Archives since 1976, focus: architecture, industrial, advertising and ship photography
  • Friedrich Karl Uecker (1911–1985), creative time around 1950–1980, in the State Archives since 1986, focus: press photography, current affairs
  • Hellmuth Paul (1928–1990), creative time around 1965–1982, in the State Archives since 1991, focus: press photography, current affairs
  • Karl Heinz Suchefort (1920–1990), creative time around 1950–1990, in the State Archives since 1991, focus: interior shots of ships and buildings, advertising, architecture, television
  • Karl-Edmund Schmidt (1906–1993), creative time approx. 1945–1990, in the State Archives since 1993, focus: press photography, current affairs
  • Hans-Jürgen Lankenau (1936–1996), creative time approx. 1958–1991, in the State Archives since 1996, focus: press photography
  • Otto Lohrisch (1913–2001), Lohrisch-Achilles, creative time approx. 1946–1975, in the State Archives since 2003, focus: theater, press, advertising, industrial, portrait photography
  • Jutta Vialon (1917–2004), creative time 1948 to approx. 1976, in the State Archives since 2006, focus: Radio Bremen, portrait and advertising photography
  • Jochen Stoss (* 1942), creative period 1958–2011, press photographer, in the State Archives since 2015
  • Peter F. Meyer, creative period 1978–2003, press photographer, in the State Archives since 2015

Photo collections

They come from private sources or were created by authorities or companies and depict certain subject areas:

  • Press office of the Senate , 1960s – 1985 (activities of the Bremen senators , image collections on various Bremen topics)
  • Bremen House , 1983-2000
  • Penzel Collection (topography, architecture, people)
  • Weserlotse collection (port, economy)
  • Karl Schneider Collection, 1930s / 1940s (police units, police battalions)
  • North German Lloyd , approx. 1914–1987 (pictures of ships, events)
  • Steamship company "Neptune" , 1936–1990 (pictures of ships, events)
  • Collection Nicolaus H. Schilling, approx. 1947–1975 (Bremen wool combing, Schaffermahlzeit)
  • Arnold Rehm Collection, 19./20. Century (ship pictures)
  • Friedrich Rauers Collection, 1899–1943 (postcards)
  • Wolfram Block Collection, 1947–1960 (especially world tour 1956/1957 with Lloyd LP 600)
  • Bremen Airport Collection, 1907–2006

The images are incorporated into the image archive using a system that maps the areas of politics, everyday life, military, culture, economy, religion, topography, people, ships and natural conditions.


Photographs - whether prints, photo albums or negatives and slides - are sensitive materials that require proper storage. The Bremen State Archive has optimally air-conditioned magazine rooms for the safe storage of photographs and negatives. All packaging is PAT-tested (PhotoActivityTest), which guarantees long-term storage that is gentle on photo material. Since the photographic materials can be significantly damaged by frequent use, the Bremen State Archive has been digitizing the holdings gradually and comprehensively since 2001.


The image archive is available to the interested public for use. In addition to researching the analog picture index, it is also possible to search the AUGIAS archive database . Several computer workstations are available for this. In the photo workshop, digital reproductions of the originals can be made in compliance with usage rights.


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