Educational counseling

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There are numerous definitions and forms of the term educational counseling. So advice u. a. as "a short-term, often only situational, voluntary, social interaction between the person seeking advice and the counselor with the aim of jointly developing a decision-making aid in the counseling process to cope with a current problem given by the client by conveying information and / or practicing skills". This can also count as educational support. There are also broader definitions of advice that remain general and that meeting or holding a meeting fall under advice.

In contrast to practice, the scientific and especially adult pedagogical examination of educational science with educational counseling is not yet found to be satisfactory. Newly developed educational networks can be helpful for improvement .

Types in educational counseling

In the 1970s, inspired by the general discussion about education reform, a boom in initiatives and model projects for advice emerged, which have become more and more differentiated in recent decades. The concept of educational counseling today is particularly characterized by its lack of unity . In many cases, an essential, common feature of the counseling structure is interaction-related counseling elements that combine a rather non-directive conversation with a directive form of conveying information. On the other hand, commonalities of basic theoretical concepts can be found again and again in the most varied of approaches.

Structures in educational counseling

Advice as a decision-making for an educational or qualification measure represents a personal application area . It can also take place as learning advice to remedy learning difficulties in the process or in the form of pedagogical support in a self-regulating learning process. On the other hand, there is institutional advice, for example organizational development or sociological advice . This theoretical separation of the area of ​​application of consulting in further education is usually not clearly separated from one another in practice.

Personal educational advice

In the practice of personal educational counseling, a humanistic, non-directive counseling concept predominates (e.g. Carl Rogers , 1991). The starting point for the process of " self-exploration " is understanding the life situation of the person seeking advice. The focus is on his personality, as in school career counseling .

Institutional advice

In institutional counseling , the systemic understanding of counseling currently dominates. It is increasingly displacing the understanding of conveying expert knowledge, towards strengthening the process character of consulting at the center of the problem-solving potential . In this concept, the person seeking advice basically has the skills to solve problems, but cannot use them productively, i. In other words, they are able to develop a differentiated view of the problem and derive new perspectives for action from this, but it is not clear to them in which steps and with which participants the topic should be approached. The aim of counseling is to provide support and to discover and develop one's own resources for those seeking advice . This concept is based on social science system-theoretical structural principles and modes of operation of interaction, according to which external influence or control is only possible to a limited extent.

The organizational consulting of training institutions is, according to the research project on applications of educational guidance of Schiermann / Remmele currently due to educational and social changes facing new challenges because of the training market is growing and changing. Therefore, for example, work processes have to be designed more effectively and the self-image and the program offer have to be reflected on.

Phase model concept

Phase model concepts can be found in both dimensions of consulting . Even if the number of phases - 12 phases of personal and 5 phases of institutional counseling - and their definitions can differ from one another, there are extensive overlaps with regard to their main features. Accordingly, in the course of the consultation, following the articulation of the consultation request, the problem situation is analyzed, the target perspective is clarified, the search for suitable steps for a solution, the planning of their implementation and the implementation of the planned steps and their evaluation as a sequence of typical action steps.

Types in educational counseling

Wiltrud Gieseke provides a possible typology of educational counseling on the basis of an empirical study of counseling interviews. This leads to an inductively developed theoretical approach, which tries to work out counseling processes based on specific problems of those seeking advice and related counseling processes. It has been shown here that in practice there are often mixed forms of three basic types of procedure in the conversation. At the beginning of the conversation, the consultant determines the form in which it should be conducted.

Informative advice

The informative advice supports (educational support) those seeking advice with the help of various information, names alternatives and gives suggestions for decisions. In other words, information is primarily provided. It is important that the consultant has extensive knowledge of the learning cultures in the individual educational institutions in order to enable the participant to make an optimal choice. According to the research results of the Ramboll study, consultants usually show the highest degree of professionalism when they offer advice as a focus or are focused on certain groups of people, this is further elaborated in the lower chapter. The concept of informative counseling also assumes that the person seeking advice has already clarified all emotional, cognitive and motivational questions or at least has a corresponding self- conception before the counseling begins . In the current discourse in adult education, personal advice is particularly emphasized, as it simultaneously develops new learning cultures and learning worlds that have proven to be scientifically interesting.

Situational advice

The situational counseling focuses on the life situation for which the participant expects support through educational offers. The challenge for the consultant in this case is to use the description of the situation to clarify whether and how this can be changed or at least satisfied through further training. The needs, motives, interests and implementation possibilities of the person seeking advice are decisive. Only when these can be clarified is the advisory process considered "finished".

Biography-oriented advice

The biography-oriented counseling is an active, constructive process. In which the person seeking advice does not formulate clear questions and search directions and tries to address general life problems or caesuras through education . Here the focus is on the interlinking of the personal perspective on life with educational and qualification problems. A special requirement at this point is to distinguish it from therapy .

One of the methods used in biography-oriented counseling is biographical-narrative conversation . Here the specific mode of biographical communication, narration, becomes the central medium of counseling aimed at the individual and unique counterpart.

Conceptual foundations in educational counseling

The following overview * shows an exemplary selection of theoretical concepts in educational counseling. It gives an overview of (1) central terms for the content, (2) the implementation and (3) its underlying concept of humanity:

Person-centered (e.g. after Carl Rogers )


  • empathy
  • vs. Psychoanalysis


  • Non-directive
  • Reflect
  • Active listening
  • Reflect
  • A threat-free climate as a goal


  • Update tendency
  • Positive + constructive
  • Individual centered
  • educational support

ISM (information system method)


  • Diverse approach (for career guidance)
  • Learning process → decision (goal)
  • Eclectic approach


  • Assessment of the person seeking advice (RS) by the advisor (B)
  • Structuring as a consulting task
  • Advice with factual knowledge + professional evaluation of the RS


  • Cognitive-behavioristic
  • humanistic



  • Solution-oriented question


  • Memory of successes
  • Dynamic cooperation patterns
  • set goals
  • EARS strategy
  • Development of interactions
  • Bringing RS to change, behavior guidelines


  • The future determines the present → not the past!
  • No compelling insight into biography
  • Work out the resources and strengths of the RS
  • Not the deficits

Resource oriented


  • Complexity of life; Pluralization vs. Customization
  • Modernization winner vs. -loser
  • Resource reservoir


  • Lack of resources
  • Resource & problem diagnostics
  • Development and expansion (advice)


  • People develop reservoirs of resources
  • The reservoir is used when stressed

Competence development training


  • Employability
  • Competence profile
  • qualification
  • code
  • Target group-specific measures


  • 3 key steps
  • Analysis of the life, learning and career path
  • Questionnaires, competence profile, evaluation
  • Merging the competencies


  • People with potential
  • Human in development
  • Person with an individual self-concept



  • language
  • Narration
  • Metaphors


  • Not-knowing perspective
  • To listen
  • Adopt the language of the RS
  • Reflect on what is taken for granted
  • Address what is not discussed
  • Enable change


  • Constructive

See also


  • Gieseke, Wiltrud: Advice in further education - differentiation of the need for advice. In: Nuissl, Ekkehard; Schiersmann, Christiane; Siebert, Herbert: REPORT Literature and Research Report Further Education. No. 46; Bielefeld 2000 .
  • Schiersmann, Christiane; Remmele, Heide: Structures, tasks and occasions of advice in further education. First results from the research project "Consulting in Further Education". 2002 [1] (PDF).
  • Solution-oriented brief consultation. Pp. 177-197.
  • Engel Frank & Sickendiek: Narrative advice: language, stories and metaphors in advice. Pp. 749-761.
  • Freedom and Recognition (year): Consultation with Carl Rogers. Pp. 85-90.
  • Ertelt, Bernd-Joachim: The Information Structural Methodology (ISM) in the context of Distance Counseling - Brief description.
  • Panzer, Christiane & Sendler, Liliana: Competency assessment as a basis for re-entry into the labor market. Pp. 74-81.
  • Nestmann, Frank: Resource-oriented advice. Pp. 724-735.

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