Bine Brandle

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Bine Brändle (* 1975 in Neu-Ulm , civil Sabine Brändle-Köroglu ) is a German designer , children's and nonfiction - author . Brändle became known to a wider audience through appearances on television programs.


Bine Brändle spent her childhood in Germany as well as in Switzerland. She studied communication design at the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences , studied illustration at the “École Supérieure Estienne” in Paris and studied fine art and photography at the Art Academy in Barcelona. In 2001 she completed her studies with a diploma. For her diploma thesis she was awarded the State of Swabia.

Today she works as a freelance illustrator as well as a non-fiction and children's book author. Brändle is married and has two children.

Television broadcasts


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bine Brändle. on: