Biographical lexicon for East Frisia

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The Biographical Lexicon for Ostfriesland (BLO) is a four-volume local biography that contains the biographies of people who were born in Ostfriesland or who have significantly influenced developments there or who are otherwise connected to them. The four volumes contain biographies of people who are no longer “alive” from the end of the 15th century, around the time the county of East Frisia was founded. ”The lexicon thus covers a period of around 600 years. The Biographical Lexicon for Ostfriesland was planned to be five volumes in which the editor Martin Tielke wanted to summarize around 900 biographical articles. Since some of these articles were supposed to address families, about 1000 people would have been represented. From 1993 to 2007 four volumes of the lexicon with around 700 articles were published. Since 2009, all around 700 articles of the four previously published volumes of the lexicon have been integrated into the new website of the landscape library and - if available - also provided with portraits.


The Biographical Lexicon contains life data from six centuries on the most important people in East Frisia. Among them are women and men who have been important to East Friesland in any area, regardless of whether they were born in East Friesland or not. Those East Frisians who gained historical importance outside the country were also taken into account.

The individual contributions to the work, which appeared without a full-time editorial staff, fixed budget or research funding, were written by authors who not only have the necessary knowledge about themselves, but are also able to give a balanced appraisal of the historical achievement.

The first volume with 376 pages was published in 1993. It contains a foreword by the editor Martin Tielke, a list of abbreviations and symbols as well as alphabetically sorted biographies. The first volume summarizes 180 biographies of people who shaped political, ecclesiastical, social, economic and cultural life.

Volume 2 was published in 1997. It has 424 pages with 186 biographies. In addition to the foreword by the editor Martin Tielke, an introduction, a list of abbreviations and symbols, as well as the alphabetically sorted biographies, it contains a comprehensive index of the people dealt with in volumes 1 and 2.

In the third volume, published in 2001, 191 biographies are summarized on 470 pages. In terms of layout and equipment, it corresponds to the previous two and also contains a comprehensive index of volumes 1 to 3.

The fourth and, for the time being, last volume was published in 2007. In it, 200 historical persons are presented on 472 pages in 183 articles, not only in individual but also in summarizing family articles. According to the blurb, 80 percent of the important East Frisians are shown, which are listed in a general register of all persons treated in volumes one to three and also in the family articles.


The editor of the lexica is the then head of the landscape library Martin Tielke . The client for the entire work was the " East Frisian Landscape ".

  • Martin Tielke (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for East Frisia. Ostfriesische Landschaftliche Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Aurich, Vol. 1 ISBN 3-925365-75-3 (1993).
  • Martin Tielke (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for East Frisia. Ostfriesische Landschaftliche Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Aurich, Vol. 2 ISBN 3-932206-00-2 (1997).
  • Martin Tielke (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for East Frisia. Ostfriesische Landschaftliche Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Aurich, Vol. 3 ISBN 3-932206-22-3 (2001).
  • Martin Tielke (Ed.): Biographical Lexicon for East Frisia. Ostfriesische Landschaftliche Verlags- und Vertriebsgesellschaft, Aurich, Vol. 4 ISBN 3-932206-62-2 (2007).

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ East Frisian landscape: Biographical lexicon for East Frisia. In: News issue 47/2010. Marschenratz to promote research in the coastal area of ​​the North Sea, 2010, accessed on 11 August 2017 .