Biotic Baking Brigade

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The Biotic Baking Brigade (abbreviated BBB , also Pâtissiers sans Frontières , German "confectioners without borders") is an international political group that has set itself the goal of high-ranking people from politics and the financial world, (less often) from sports and art Throwing pies over ( tortung ). Her victims so far include San Francisco's Mayor Willie Brown, the economist Milton Friedman , Hilmar Kabas from the FPÖ ( Austria ), the US entrepreneur Bill Gates , and the CEO of Monsanto Robert Shapiro.

Throwing at celebrities is intended to ridicule the victims of the BBB. According to the BBB, they should be brought back to a more or less normal human level in order to show that they look something like the emperor without a dress with a cake.

The ideas of these actions seem to be partly copied by sympathizers of the BBB. A well-known motto is: "Cake instead of words".

Critics accuse the BBB of a lack of intellectual maturity in political and social debates. In addition, the tortures occasionally seem to be simply acts of revenge for politically unpleasant decisions made by the people concerned or for their fundamental political stance.


  • Pie Any Means Necessary: ​​The Biotic Baking Brigade Cookbook . AK Press 2004, ISBN 190259388X

See also

Video documentations

  • A. Mark Liiv, Jeff Taylor: The Pie's the Limit . Whispered Media, 1999


  • David Cox: Sign Wars: The Culture Jammers Strike Back . UoM Book center 2010, ISBN 9780980770155 , pp. 180–181 ( excerpt from Google book search)
  • Erick Lyle: On The Lower Frequencies: A Secret History Of The City . Counter Press 2008, ISBN 9781933368986 , pp. 37–39 ( excerpt from Google book search)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Evelyn Nieves: San Francisco Pie-Throwers Are Guilty Of Battery - New York Times . January 20, 1999. Retrieved May 1, 2008.