Silo block cutter

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Silo block cutter with double knife cutting frame
Silo block cutter with cutting bracket

A silo block cutter (also block cutter ) is an agricultural attachment machine for removing silage from driving silos and forage heaps . Block cutters cut blocks of feed from the silage and at the same time are used to transport the blocks, for example to the stables. While they were the standard method for mechanization of feeding in the 1980s and even 1990s, they were now almost entirely of feed mixer wagons out of the market. Only a few manufacturers still offer them on request.

Layout and function

The block cutter consists of a support frame that is attached to the three-point hydraulic system in the rear of the tractor, a tine carrier and tines, as well as a vertical cutter or cutting bracket. The cutting knife or the cutting frame are operated hydraulically, the necessary hydraulic oil is supplied by the tractor.

The silage pile, which has been freed from protective film, is driven under with the tines. The cutting knife or the cutting frame now separates the block that has been driven under from the rest of the feed pile. Then the feed block can be placed on the feed table in front of the cows.

Further developments and additional equipment

Block cutters are optionally equipped with a pusher that makes it easier to set down the block of feed. Distribution augers are also installed in newer devices, which mill off the feed block from above and thus enable distribution. Lately, removal techniques similar to block cutters have been introduced on mixer feeders.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

The main advantage is the very low loosening of the remaining rent. As a result, there is less oxygen ingress and, associated with this, reheating and mold formation. This is of economic importance, especially in warm summers and the correspondingly low feed consumption. Disadvantages are high maintenance costs, the low removal rates and the lack of mixing or distribution of the feed. As a supplement to the silo block cutter, block distribution wagons are now available.

Alternative feeding systems

As alternatives, the feed mixer , attached feed distributors and fully automatic feed robots are available. All the alternatives mentioned have the advantage that, in addition to removal, they also take over distribution.


Web links

Commons : Silo Block Cutter  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files