Block stream

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Block stream

legal form Corporation
founding 2014
Seat Victoria (British Columbia)
management Adam Back

Blockstream is a blockchain company founded and managed by Adam Back. Co-founders were, among others, the long-standing Bitcoin core developers Pieter Wuille, Gregory Maxwell, Matt Corallo and others . The company is significantly involved in the development of Bitcoin , Lightning Network and various sidechains. and employs several Bitcoin core developers.

Blockstream also operates several satellites with the Bitcoin blockchain to ensure that it can be reached anywhere in the world even without an internet connection.


Blockstream satellite

In 2017, the company installed satellites in earth orbit to make the Bitcoin blockchain available anywhere in the world. There are now 6 satellites that completely cover the earth. However, the blockstream satellite is only a one-way connection. This means that you can receive the blockchain with it, but you cannot edit it. It is not possible to transfer transactions. However, this can be circumvented partially with SMS.

Liquid Network

In 2015 Blockstream published the sidechain Liquid. This should make transactions faster and less load the Bitcoin network.


Lightning Network

Blockstream promotes the use and distribution of the Lightning Network and is behind the implementation of c-lightning . Among other things, Blockstream was one of the first companies to set up a Lightning Network Store.


Control of bitcoin

Blockstream is mainly accused by Bitcoin Cash supporters of massively influencing the development of Bitcoin. You justify this with the fact that Blockstream has hired many Bitcoin core developers and thus controls them.

Individual evidence

  1. Blockstream - Blockstream. Retrieved June 28, 2019 .
  2. ^ Nathaniel Popper: Some Bitcoin Backers Are Defecting to Create a Rival Currency . In: The New York Times . July 25, 2017, ISSN  0362-4331 ( [accessed June 28, 2019]).
  3. Satellite. Retrieved June 28, 2019 .
  4. Michael del Castillo: Who Needs Verizon? Blockstream Broadcasts Entire Bitcoin Blockchain From Space. Retrieved June 28, 2019 .
  5. Pavol Rusnak: Simple PushTX server to push Bitcoin transactions via SMS: prusnak / smspushtx. April 16, 2019, accessed June 28, 2019 .
  6. Blockstream Store - Blockstream Store. Retrieved June 28, 2019 (American English).
  7. r / btc - Blockstream is now controlled by the Bilderberg Group - seriously! AXA Strategic Ventures, co-lead investor for Blockstream's $ 55 million financing round, is the investment arm of French insurance giant AXA Group - whose CEO Henri de Castries has been * chairman * of the Bilderberg Group since 2012. Retrieved June 28, 2019 ( English).