Board of Trustees

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The Board of Trustees or Board of Trustees ( English Board of Trustees ) is the name for a Foundation for Organ . If the Board of Trustees does not manage the business itself, it appoints a management team and advises and supervises the other foundation bodies. Often other terms such as board of directors or supervisory board are also used. The rules governing management and the requirements as to whether or not a board of trustees is required differ from country to country. In the case of smaller foundations in particular, only one of the two organs exists; the other function is also assumed. In Switzerland (see Foundation (Switzerland) ), for example, many smaller foundations do not have a managing director, the board of trustees manages the business.

Situation in Germany

A foundation may in unincorporated foundations in Germany (see §§ 80 ff. BGB ) besides the obligatory Board as a further foundation body by the act of foundation are determined of the founder. According to this, the statutes regulate the dismissal and appointment of members of the Board of Trustees. This may be regulated differently in private foundations or trust foundations.

See also


  • Loreant Roman Baumann: The Board of Trustees. The supreme body of ordinary foundations . Zurich 2009 (dissertation).