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Boroboroton from Toriyama Sekiens Hyakki Tsurezure Bukuro ( 百 器 ​​徒然 袋 ).

The Boroboroton ( Japanese 暮 露 暮 露 団 ; Eng. "Ragged futon") is a fictional creature of Japanese popular belief that belongs to the group of Yōkai .


The Boroboroton consists of a very ragged futon (Japanese sleeping mat) with two arms and one eye, which comes to life at night and hovers through the air, seemingly uncontrolled. It can be very dangerous for sleeping residents because it wraps around their bodies and heads and can strangle its victims.


The being Boroboroton belongs to a special group of yōkai, the tsukumogami ( 付 喪 神 , dt. "Artefact spirits"): According to Japanese popular belief, household appliances and musical instruments of all kinds can turn into yōkai after 100 years, because they too are one Own soul. Boroboroton also develop a life of their own when they reach their “100. Birthday ”, during this time it was too often ignored and felt useless. In retaliation for their neglect, they persecute residents and throw them out of their beds or embrace them. Other Boroboroton seek out more tsukumogami and join forces with them. Or they leave the house and wander around.


  • Kenji Murakami: 妖怪 事 典 . Mainichi Shinbunsha, Tokyo 2000, ISBN 9784620314280 , p. 309.
  • Sekien Toriyama, Mamoru Takada, Atsunobu Inada and others a .: 画 図 百 鬼 夜行 , Kokusho Kankōkai, Tōkyō 1992, ISBN 9784336033864 , p. 302.
  • Tani Akira: 金森 宗 和 茶 書 . Shibunkakushuppan, Tokyo 1997, ISBN 4784209441 , p. 312.