Bose Einstein statistics

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Occupation number as a function of energy for bosons ( Bose-Einstein statistics, upper curve ) or fermions (Fermi-Dirac statistics, lower curve), in each case in the special case of freedom from interaction and at constant temperature . The chemical potential is a parameter that depends on temperature and density; in the Bose case it is always smaller than the energy and would disappear in the limit case of the Bose-Einstein condensation ; in the Fermi case, on the other hand, it is positive, in the case it corresponds to the Fermi energy .

The Bose-Einstein statistics or Bose-Einstein distribution , named after Satyendranath Bose (1894–1974) and Albert Einstein (1879–1955), is a probability distribution in quantum statistics ( there also the derivation ). It describes the mean occupation number of a quantum state of energy  in thermodynamic equilibrium at absolute temperature for identical bosons as occupying particles.

Similarly, the Fermi-Dirac statistics exist for fermions , which, like the Bose-Einstein statistics, are transferred to the Boltzmann statistics in the extreme case of high energy .

Central point of the Bose-Einstein statistics is that while permutation of all four variables of two bosons ( and : local variable; : Spin variable) the wave function and the state vector of a many-body system not the sign changes , while in the Fermi-Dirac statistics it very probably changes . In contrast to fermions, several bosons can therefore be in the same one-particle state, i.e. have the same quantum numbers .

If there is no interaction

If there is no interaction ( Bosegas ), the following formula results for bosons:


  • the chemical potential  , which is always less for bosons than the lowest possible energy value: ; therefore the Bose-Einstein statistics are only defined for energy values .
  • of energy normalization . The choice of depends on the temperature scale used:
    • Usually it is chosen to with the Boltzmann constant ;
    • it is when the temperature is measured in units of energy such as joules ; this happens even if it does not appear in the definition of entropy - which then has no units.

Below a very low critical temperature , if there is no interaction - assuming that it tends towards the energy minimum - the Bose-Einstein condensation is obtained .

Note that it is the occupation number of a quantum state. If the occupation number of a degenerate energy level is required, the above expression must also be multiplied by the corresponding degree of degeneracy ( : spin, always an integer for bosons), cf. also multiplicity .


  • U. Krey, A. Owen, Basic Theoretical Physics - a Concise Overview , Berlin Heidelberg New York, Springer 2007, ISBN 978-3-540-36804-5 (in English)
  • LD Landau, EM Lifschitz, Statistical Physics , Verlag Harri Deutsch, former Akademie Verlag Berlin 1987. (uses unusual temperature unit).