bpa employers' association

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Logo of the bpa employers' association

The bpa employers' association e. V. ( bpa AGV ) is a collective bargaining agency for private companies in the social economy and is based in Bonn . The Berlin office is located on Friedrichstrasse in Berlin . He is a member of the Confederation of German Employers' Associations .


The bpa employers' association e. V. was founded in June 2015 by 38 companies in the care of the elderly, child and youth welfare as well as assistance for the disabled and the Federal Association of private providers of social services e. V. (bpa) founded. The founding members are small and medium-sized (family) companies as well as the largest companies in the care sector.

The bpa employers' association was founded to represent the collective bargaining and labor law policy interests of outpatient and (partially) inpatient facilities for care for the elderly, child and youth welfare and assistance for the disabled in the private social economy.

The bpa employers' association now has more than 4,000 members, approx. Employing 190,000 people (as of September 17, 2019). The bpa employers' association is active nationwide.


The bpa employers' association is a registered association (e.V.).

The organs are the general assembly, the board of directors and the presidium.

The general assembly is convened once a calendar year. The board of the association consists of the president and his deputy, they are elected by the general assembly for two years. Members of the Presidium are the President and the Deputy President as well as up to three other members elected by the Executive Board from among its members. Representatives of collective bargaining members should be adequately represented within the Presidium.

President since its founding in 2015 , Rainer Brüderle , Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, a. D. Bernd Meurer, who is also President of the bpa, holds the office of Deputy President.

The full-time managing director has been Dr. Sven Halldorn.


The bpa employers' association represents the interests of its members in terms of collective bargaining, social, labor market and socio-political issues vis-à-vis politics, collective bargaining partners and society.

In addition, the bpa employers' association advises its members on labor law issues, with legal advice only being pursued as a secondary purpose.

The association has performed a wide range of tasks since it was founded. In 2017, for example, Rainer Brüderle represented the association in the care commission , which agreed the minimum wage for care up to 2020 at the federal level. In 2019, Rainer Brüderle was appointed to the care commission, which proposed three new minimum wages for care in January 2020.

The bpa employers' association is the collective bargaining representative for private providers of care services as well as institutions for the elderly, the disabled, children and youth. Its members are both small and medium-sized and large carriers.

The bpa employers' association provides the private care services and institutions with employment contract guidelines, which consist of a uniform nationwide shell (framework) and country-specific pay tables. Furthermore, the bpa employers' association regularly takes a position on questions of labor law legislation.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Federal Association of German Employers 'Associations: Federal Association of German Employers' Associations - Members. Retrieved January 16, 2018 .
  2. Florian Bauckhage-Hoffer: Newsticker bpa employers' association 1/2015. In: Newsticker. bpa Employers' Association, August 9, 2015, accessed on January 16, 2018 .
  3. bpa - employers' association: Brüderle: "Also thank the entrepreneurs in the care". Retrieved February 12, 2020 .
  4. bpa - employers' association: statutes. Retrieved January 16, 2018 .
  5. ^ Bpa - Federal Association of Private Providers of Social Services eV: New employers' association chaired by Rainer Brüderle. Retrieved January 16, 2018 .
  6. Dr. Sven Halldorn new managing director of the bpa employers' association / bpa employers now represent over 1,700 institutions . In: presseportal.de . ( presseportal.de [accessed on January 16, 2018]).
  7. ^ Rainer Brüderle appointed to the care committee. In: Home Care Online. Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG, June 15, 2016, accessed on January 16, 2018 .
  8. Bpa Thuringia gives itself employment contract guidelines. In: altenheim.net. Vincentz Network GmbH & Co. KG, November 27, 2017, accessed on January 16, 2018 .