Brandenburg episcopal chronicle

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The Brandenburger Bischofschronik (Latin Chronica episcopatus Brandenburgensis ) is a short description of the bishops of Brandenburg up to the 13th century.

Origin and content

The chronicle was made around 1240 during Bishop Gernand's lifetime and ends with his death in 1241. An addition ended around 1261.

The texts name the dates of the individual bishops' impact and mention a few important events from their term in office. The texts partly differ in the different versions, but are based on the same original version.


The information in the Goslar manuscript and in Mader is inaccurate, especially with the dates, and sometimes contradicts other information from that period or consistent chronological processes. The Weimar version seems a bit more precise.


  • Manuscript Goslar, 14th century, Goslar City Archives, Bishops from 1139 to 1241, text in MGH XVI
  • Weimar manuscript, 15th century, main state archive Weimar, bishops from 948 to 1261, text in Meckelnborg, p. 121ff., Rediscovered
  • In Johann Joachim Mader: Antiquitates Brunsvicenses . Helmstadi 1678. Digitized



  • Christina Meckelnborg : Tractatus de urbe Brandenburg. The oldest evidence of Brandenburg history. Text analysis and edition. (= Writings of the State Historical Association for the Mark Brandenburg, New Series Volume 7). Lukas Verlag, Berlin 2015. ISBN 978-3-86732-215-7 . Pp. 79-95
  • Georg Sello : The Brandenburg diocese chronicle. In addition to an appendix, containing: Fragmenta chronicae episcoporum Brandenburgensium. In: Annual report of the historical association of Brandenburg . Volume 20. 1888. pp. 1-52.

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