Brewery mug

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Konrad Krug Brewery and Dance Hall GmbH
legal form GmbH
founding 1834
Seat Waischenfeld - Breitenlesau , Germany
management Konrad Krug
Branch brewery

The Brewery Krug is a brewery in the city Waischenfeld belonging Breitenlesau . The annual output is 40,000 hectoliters.


The brewery's inn

The brewery was founded in 1834 by the Krug family. The brewery now sells beer in six Bavarian administrative districts as well as in Hesse, Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bremen. It exports to Russia, Ukraine, Denmark and Italy .


A dark lager , which makes up around 80% of the total output, a Pils , a wheat beer , a cellar beer , a dark festival beer, an amber-colored bock beer and the Gaas-Seidla (mixed beer drink with cola and cherry dessert wine) are brewed in the company.


  • Lechner's list by Georg Lechner

Individual evidence

  1. Brewery Krug on

Coordinates: 49 ° 51 ′ 41.4 "  N , 11 ° 17 ′ 30.3"  E