Brian Flemming

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Brian Flemming (born June 6, 1966 in Los Angeles ) is an American director and screenwriter .


Flemming studied English at the University of California, Irvine . He was discovered by John Pierson . His musical Bat Boy: The Musical became famous . Nothing So Strange also gained notoriety through Bill Gates .

Flemming is also active in the civil rights movement. He is committed to open source ' a (open source). With his film The God Who Wasn't There he impressively exposed the contradictions of religions and put forward the thesis that it is unlikely that Jesus Christ actually existed. He is considered an advocate of atheism and a voice against the supremacy of the church.

Work (selection)

  • Hang Your Dog in the Wind (1997)
  • The Rabbi vs. Larry Flynt (1999)
  • The God Who Wasn't There (2005)

Web links