Brian Mullooly

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Brian Mullooly ( Irish Brian Ó Maoluala * 21st February 1935 in Strokestown, County Roscommon ) is a former politician of Fianna Fáil .


Mullooly was after the school at Summerhill College in Sligo and studying at St. Patrick's Teacher Training College in Dublin as a teacher worked.

In 1981 he was elected as a candidate for the Irish Labor Party for the first time to the Senate ( Seanad Éireann ) , but joined the Fianna Fáil in 1982. After that he represented the interests of the workers in the Senate until 2002, the so-called Labor Panel. From July 19, 1995 to September 16, Vice-President of the Senate ( Leas-Chathaoirleach ) and was acting President of the Senate from November 12 to November 27, 1996.

On September 17, 1997 he was finally Cathaoirleach and thus President of the Senate. He held this office until September 12, 2002 and was also on November 19, 1997 Chairman of the Senate Committee for Members' Interests ( Seanad Select Members Interest Committee ).

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