Brunswick Rifle

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Brunswick Rifle
general information
Military designation: Brunswick Rifle
Development year: 1836
Manufacturer country: United Kingdom
Production time: since 1837
Overall length: 1160 mm
Weight: (unloaded) 4.5 kg kg
Technical specifications
Caliber : 17.88 mm
Charging principle: Muzzle loader
Lists on the subject

The Brunswick Rifle is a muzzle-loading rifle with a percussion lock , which was introduced by the British Army in the middle of the 19th century and was manufactured for around half a century. It was the first rifle in the British Army with a percussion lock.


With the Baker Rifle, the British armed forces had already used an infantry weapon with a rifled barrel during the Napoleonic Wars . In the 1830s, the armed forces were looking for a modernized replacement for the rifle.

The Brunswick Rifle was developed in 1836 and issued to selected units of the British Army for the next fifty years. This used the rifle in various colonial wars. Some copies were delivered to the Confederation in the American Civil War and were also used. Production of the weapon began in 1837 and was produced over half a century after its introduction. In the test, the weapon showed a slightly higher accuracy than the Baker Rifle at long ranges.

The rifle was named after the Duchy of Braunschweig , to which the British Crown had dynastic connections and where a similar rifle had been introduced.


The weapon was 1160 mm long and weighed 4.5 kilograms. As a muzzle loader, it was loaded from the muzzle with a spherical projectile. The spherical projectile had a protruding metal band that reached into the features and fields of the rifled barrel. The weapon had an effective range of around 275 meters.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Michael E. Haskew: Rifles & Muskets - From 1450 to the Present Day. London, 2015, p. 25
  2. Oyvind Flatnes: From Musket to Metallic Cartridge: A Practical History of Black Powder Firearms. Ramsbury, 2013, e-book, entry Brunswick Rifle