Book of the covenant

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The Book of the Covenant ( Arabic كتاب عهدي Kitabu ʿAhdi , DMG Kitāb ʿAhdī ; although better known in the Arab world under the Persian title   Ketab-e ʿAhd , DMG Ketāb-e ʿAhd , 'Book of the Covenant' Bahai Transcription Kitáb-i-'Ahd ) is a holy scripture writtenby Bahāʾullāh , which functions as his will. He entrusts the leadership of the Baha'i community and the binding interpretation of its scriptures to his eldest son, 'Abdul-Baha', and calls on his followers and descendants to peace , unity, righteousness, and obedience to the law. It was opened and announced nine days after Bahāʾullāh passed away in 1892.


The book of the covenant is an autograph by Bahāʾullāh , the founder of the Baha'i religion, which was included in the anthology " Messages from Akka " and comprises four and a half pages. It was also referred to as the "Greatest Tablet" by Bahāʾullāh and as the "Red Book" in his letter to the son of the wolf . It was completed according to the Kitab-i-Aqdas .


The Book of the Covenant is Bahāʾullāh's will. It was unsealed on the ninth day after Bahāʾullāh's death and appoints Abdul-Baha as head of the Baha'i community and authoritative interpreter of the scriptures. Bahāʾullāh sets out the basic intentions of his revelation, exhorts "the peoples of the earth" to adhere to what "exalts" them and assures them that God has "forgiven everything that has passed." He emphasizes the separation of worldly and spiritual power and forbids fighting and controversy. In addition to special instructions for his sons and the relatives of Bab, he warns his followers against abuse of religion: “Do not allow the means of order to be made the source of disorder, the tool of unity to be an occasion for discord.” He expresses hope that they should be guided by the words "All things are of God" and call on all believers to "serve all peoples" and to direct their efforts towards "the betterment of the world".
