Book title characters

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The book title characters or book title punctuation marks ( 書名 號  /  书名 号 , shūmínghào (《》, 〈〉)) used in the Chinese script are symbols of the Chinese script that are used to denote book titles, magazine titles or the titles of other written works.

They are mainly used in Chinese lexicons such as the Cihai .

To distinguish it from the book title characters are used for the direct speech ordinary Chinese used quotes ( Chinese  引號  /  引号 , Pinyin yǐnhào ( "", ''; 「」 「」)).


In Unicode , these symbols used to identify book and magazine titles have the following names and numbers.

  • 〈LEFT ANGLE BRACKET (point bracket left) U + 3008 (12296)
  • 〉 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET (point bracket right) U + 3009 (12297)
  • 《LEFT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET (double angle bracket left) U + 300A (12298)
  • 》 RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET (double angle bracket right) U + 300B (12299)

See also