Digging party

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A BYOB or -fete ( ndt .: bottle , bottle ), also Buttelparty , in southern Germany angliziert as Bottle Party ( Engl. : Bottle , bottle), is a celebration to which the (invited) guests bring their (alcoholic) drinks himself also common is the name potluck , in youth language is often BYOB (an abbreviation for bring your own booze / beer / beverages ) pointed at organizing such a celebration.


BYOB is typical for Flunkyball tournaments , different brands of drinks are easy to recognize due to different preferences of the players

This form of party originated in America in the 1950s . There it can be recognized by the acronyms BYOB or BAB ( bring a bottle ) on the invitation. In Germany it has been particularly popular with young people since the 1980s, but it is also popular in other circles, as the workload and costs for the host are considerably lower. In post-war Germany, "bottle parties" were also very common, but back then there was no name for them. The great economic hardship after the war and before the currency reform made people inventive to celebrate.


Since it is usually a matter of burdening the host financially as little as possible, it is often common, for example, for guests to bring the wine with them to a private meal among friends in a medium-sized setting, as well as the salad to barbecues . Most of the time, the bottles brought along are collected in a central location and left to the other guests in self-service. In this case, it is usually frowned upon to withhold your own souvenir or to hoard drinks. Elsewhere, however, it is quite common that each guest really only drinks what they have brought with them.


In addition to the premises, the host often provides snacks , which can also be brought by other guests, but buffets or other more elaborate meals are rarer .

In some areas, this form of celebration also correlates with bringing your own glass, especially for wheat beer or a shot glass .


From the alternative metal band System of a Down comes a song called BYOB , which was written based on this tradition, but in the title the meaning of the last 'B' was changed to 'Bombs', which is why the song "Bring Your Own Bombs "means.

See also


  1. ^ BYOB - Definitions from Dictionary.com . Retrieved December 11, 2006.