Bulemann's house

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Bulemanns Haus is the title of an art fairy tale written in 1864 by Theodor Storm (1817–1888). Storm also wrote a poem with a similar name ( In Bulemanns Haus ). It tells the story of the hard-hearted and shy of people Mr. Bulemann, who reminds a little of the figure of Ebenezer Scrooge - but without experiencing a similar purification.


After the death of his father, Mr. Bulemann returns to his hometown after years overseas and moves into his father's house. He sold his wife and children to slave traders on the crossing - that's what they say. Instead, Mr. Bulemann brought two big cats - Graps and Schnores - with him. In his father's house he finds all kinds of pawned goods - his father was a pawnbroker - which he sells illegally.

In the following years, pledge creditors seek him out who want to redeem their pledged goods and whom he has to bribe so that they do not divulge his illegal activity. He becomes more and more insufferable and shy of people, until his only contact with the outside world is his housekeeper, Mrs. Anken, who despises him, but fears him even more (quote: "The old woman began to be more and more afraid of the hooked nose and the bright owl eyes of her master") . Finally, he harshly rejects his half-sister when she begs him for help because of her ailing son and ultimately blames his nephew's death.

His sister curses him, whereupon the two cats gradually transform and keep him forever in his house, from which the housekeeper has since fled.


The radio play Night in the Water Series by the Low German author Ludwig Hackerott is broadcast several times and is based on Storm's novella.

Helmut Barz's vampire novella Die Herrin from 2015 makes Bulemann's house one of the central locations of the plot in the fictional northern German town of Broiversum.


  • Theodor Storm (author), Rüdiger Frommholz (ed.): Bulemanns house . In: Diess .: Stories . Reclam, Stuttgart 1997, ISBN 978-3-15-056144-7
  • Theodor Storm: Bulemann's house. A haunted novella . Pangea Productions, Witten 2006, ISBN 3-937639-01-2 (1 CD, read by Joachim Kerzel ).

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Individual evidence

  1. Gundel Paulsen (ed.): Christmas stories from Bremen. Druck- und Verlagsgesellschaft Husum, Husum 1977. ISBN 3-88042-042-4 , p. 88.
  2. Barz, Helmut: The Mistress . Offenbach am Main 2015, ISBN 978-1-5117-4406-5 .