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The division of living beings into systematics is a continuous subject of research. Different systematic classifications exist side by side and one after the other. The taxon treated here has become obsolete due to new research or is not part of the group systematics presented in the German-language Wikipedia.

The Bullatosauria are a taxon that is considered obsolete today within the Theropoda dinosaur group . They were coined in 1994 by the American paleontologist Thomas R. Holtz Jr. and were considered a common taxon of the Ornithomimosauria and the Troodontidae . The irritator , which is now assigned to the Spinosauridae , was also added to this group in 1996 by its first descriptors, although they made it clear that it possessed a great many characteristics that had not previously been described for the Bullatosauria.

The name Bullatosauria refers to the bulging sphenoid bone that is common to both taxa. Holtz considered these two groups to be sister groups in 1994 , but rejected his own views in 1999. Most paleontologists today consider the Troodontidae to be much closer to the birds and the Dromaeosauridae than to the Ornithomimosauria, which is why the Bullatosauria are now considered obsolete.


  1. ^ DM Martill, ARI Cruickshank, E. Frey, PG Small, and M. Clarke: A new crested maniraptoran dinosaur from the Santana Formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Brazil. Journal of the geological society 153 (1), 1996; Pages 5-8.
  • TJ Holtz jr .: The phylogenetic position of the Tyrannosauridae. Implications for theropod systematics. In: Journal of Paleontology. 68, 1994, pp. 1100-1117.