Bundle (thread size)
Bund was a measure primarily in the Kingdom of Hanover and Braunschweig , but also in the neighboring regions and played a role in the trade in skeins of yarn.
A distinction was made between commercial and linen yarn.
- Purchase yarn 1 bunch = 9 pieces
- 1 piece = 24 bundles (50 threads each) = 1200 threads
- Linen yarn
- 1 bundle = 20 loops = 200 bundles = 18,000 threads = 67,500 cubits (hannov.)
- 1 bundle = 20 loops = 200 bundles
The work loop of house yarn had 1000 threads, the purchase loop 900 threads
Osnabrück and Westphalia
- Shear yarn
- The reel circumference was 3 ⅛ cubits (Cologne) = 1.825 meters
- 1 piece = 30 bundles (50 threads each) = 1500 threads
- Molten yarn
- The reel circumference was 2 cubits (Cologne) = 1.168 meters
- 1 piece = 20 bundles (50 threads each) = 16 bundles (60 threads each) + 40 threads = 1000 threads
- Bunch yarn, a finer yarn 1 bunch = 20 pieces
- Coarser yarn 1 Molt = 12 pieces
- Full yarn
- The reel circumference was 2 cubits (Cologne) = 1.168 meters
- 1 bundle = 20 bundles
- 1 piece = 20 bundles (60 threads each) = 1200 threads
- 1 piece was also possible = 24 bundles (50 threads each)
- Commercial and long yarn
- The reel circumference was 2 cubits (Cologne) or 3 cubits = 1.168 meters
- 1 bundle = 9 pieces = 216 bundles (50 threads each)
- F. Frank: Coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world traced back to German. Schulbuchverlag Langensalza 1856, p. 43
- Max Wirth: Illustrated German commercial calendar 1869. Verlag Bernhard Friedrich Voigt, Weimar 1869, p. 147
- Friedrich Wilhelm von Reden: The linen and yarn trade in Northern Germany. Helwing 'sche Hofbuchhandlung, Hanover 1838, p. 65 f.