Alain Levent

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Alain Lucien Marcel Louis Levent (born September 15, 1934 in Paris , † August 28, 2008 there ) was a French cameraman and director .


Levent completed training in the laboratories of the GTC in the early 1950s. He then learned the camera trade from Henri Decae , to whom he assisted in several short films. Since late 1957 Levent was active in this capacity on a number of masterpieces of the Nouvelle Vague , including The Disappointed and You Kissed and They Beat him . In 1959 Levent became the first assistant to the cameraman Jean Penzer in various comedies by Philippe de Broca and until 1962 he also assisted Nicolas Hayer and Jean Rabier (for example on Wednesdays between 5 and 7 ).

The now 30-year-old Alain Levent has worked regularly as head cameraman since Schräger Charme and Great Opportunities . Since then he has photographed productions by leading directors such as Jacques Rivette , Jean-Luc Godard , Bertrand Tavernier , Jacques Brel , Édouard Molinaro , Samuel Fuller and Denys de La Patellière . In the 1960s Levent was considered a specialist in erotic recordings.

From 1980 to 1984 Levent, who made his directorial debut in motion pictures in 1972, also directed several films for television.



  • 1961: Wednesday between 5 and 7 (Cléo de 5 à 7)
  • 1964: Weird charm and great opportunities (La chance et l'amour)
  • 1964: The man whose name was Peter Kürten (Le vampire de Dusseldorf)
  • 1964: Queen of Spades (La dame de pique)
  • 1964: Cover Girls - the very expensive girls (Cover Girls)
  • 1965: Une balle au cœur
  • 1965: The Nun (Suzanne Simonin, la religieuse de Denis Diderot)
  • 1966: Paras - Gold theft in the air (Objectif 500 millions)
  • 1966: A bullet on the bill (Un choix d'assassins)
  • 1967: Hot skin (Un épais manteau de sang)
  • 1967: Far from Vietnam (Loin du Vietnam)
  • 1967: Lamiel - I love love (Lamiel)
  • 1968: Blue Gauloises (Les gauloises bleues)
  • 1968: love and anger (Amore e rabbia)
  • 1968: Amour fou
  • 1968: It's raining on my village (Bice scoro propast sveta)
  • 1969: Sabra
  • 1969: The Man in the Red Skirt (Mon oncle Benjamin)
  • 1970: Montdragon
  • 1970: Leo, the war hero (Le mur de l'Atlantique)
  • 1971: Franz
  • 1973: Le Far West
  • 1973: L'ironie du sort
  • 1974: The cry of the heart (Le cri du cœur)
  • 1974: Le faux cul
  • 1975: The Acrobat (L'acrobate)
  • 1976: The Lords Dracula (Dracula père et fils)
  • 1976: Spoiled children (Des enfants gâtés)
  • 1977: Fibrillation in St. Tropez (L'amant de poche)
  • 1979: Who holds the reins (Le mort aux dents )
  • 1980: Histoires étranges (series)
  • 1980: Le vol d'Icare
  • 1983: Thieves among themselves (Voleur)
  • 1983: Elle voulait faire du cinéma
  • 1985: L'homme qui n'était pas là
  • 1986: Faubourg St. Martin
  • 1988: Manika, the Girl Who Lived Twice
  • 1989: The Madonna and the Dragon (The Madonna and the Dragon)
  • 1990: Contretemps
  • 1992: Bezness - Business - The business with longing (Bezness)
  • 1992: Le mirage
  • 1993: Bartleby ou Les hommes au rebut
  • 1994: Le ruban de Möbius
  • 1995: Maria fille de Flandre
  • 1997: Crime d'amour
  • 1998: Learning to Live (La maison d'Alexina)
  • 1998: Marie-Line
  • 1999: Le monde de Marty
  • 2000: Marie-Line
  • 2001: The daughter of Keltoum (La fille de Keltoum)
  • 2002: Roues libres
  • 2003: The dragon (Le cerf volant)
  • 2004: Rivals (Nadia et Sarra)
  • 2004: La cliente
  • 2006: Le Rainbow Warrior
  • 2007: Le voyageur de la Toussaint


  • 1972: A charming crook (Le bar de la fourche)
  • 1980: Comme le temps passe
  • 1981: Carte Vermeil
  • 1983: La colère de Maigret
  • 1983: La traversée de l'Islande
  • 1984: Maigret à Vichy


  • Kay Less : The film's great personal dictionary . The actors, directors, cameramen, producers, composers, screenwriters, film architects, outfitters, costume designers, editors, sound engineers, make-up artists and special effects designers of the 20th century. Volume 5: L - N. Rudolf Lettinger - Lloyd Nolan. Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-89602-340-3 , p. 10.

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