Federal working group of patient centers and initiatives

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Federal Working Group of Patient Agencies and Initiatives
Logo-bagp 01.png
legal form Federal working group in a non-profit association
founding 1989
Office Munich
people Carola Sraier, Gregor Bornes (speaker and speaker)
Website bagp.de

The Federal Working Group of Patient Agencies and Initiatives (BAG - Patient Agencies or BAGP) was founded as a nationwide working group of the Health Academy eV. Her work focuses on independent patient information, advice, support, complaints and competence as well as patient involvement .


The BAGP was founded in 1989 by patient agencies and initiatives within the non-profit Health Academy eV with the aim of developing and guaranteeing common counseling standards as well as pooling their competencies and being able to act politically more effectively. As an umbrella organization for patient centers and for patient advisors, the BAGP stands in the tradition of the health movement of the 1980s, which was about empowerment and self-determination, a variety of medical methods, collective and self-organized representation of interests and health-promoting living conditions. Many ideas have been developed in exchange with the Swiss patient centers.

In 2001 the first nationwide model projects to develop patient advice began. Since 2004, the BAGP has been recognized by the Federal Ministry of Health as one of four associations for patient representation in the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) and is therefore entitled to appoint patient representatives to participate in the G-BA. In addition, the BAGP regularly publishes statements on draft laws and political decisions in the health care system, issues press releases and creates information materials to educate about patient rights.

Fields of action

The fields of action of the BAGP are independent patient information, advice, support, participation, competence, complaints and representation.

Patient information

The BAGP takes the position that patients need independent, reliable and understandable patient and health information that is easy to use in everyday life. That is why the BAGP supports the creation of a national health information portal with the greatest possible involvement of patient organizations.

Patient advice

Up until 2015, the patient centers merged in the BAGP were involved in the Independent Patient Advice Germany (UPD) through the Association of Independent Patient Advice (VuP) eV . At the beginning of 2016, advice for public and private patients was transferred to the health service provider Sanvartis GmbH, which was taken over by Sanvartis Careforce Holding GmbH in 2018. These takeovers were heavily criticized by many clubs, associations, political parties and in media reports. The Federal Ministry of Health and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds defended the takeover. Since the beginning of 2016, patient counseling in the patient centers has been mostly voluntary.

Alternative logo of the BAGP

Patient support

Since not all patients can help themselves with illness and health issues and emergencies, the course of illness or a lack of support from friends or relatives can lead to helplessness and emotional distress, the BAGP counseling centers offer themselves as a point of contact in such situations, listen, mediate Help or support with the application for social benefits.

Patient involvement

The patient centers and the BAGP are involved in many federal and state-wide bodies of joint self-administration in the health care system. At the federal level these are z. B. the G-BA and at the state level the state committees, admissions and appointments committees. But the BAGP is also involved in other joint projects, such as B. in the cooperation network health goals.de or in the action alliance patient safety (APS).

Patient competence

The BAGP sees patient literacy as part of health literacy and has therefore participated in the development of the National Action Plan for Health Literacy. The aim of the information and advice in the patient centers is empowerment, the strengthening of the decision-making and action ability of those seeking advice and thus their patient competence.

Patient complaints

The BAGP counseling centers take criticism and complaints from patients and their relatives seriously and see them as an opportunity for development. Together with suggestions and suggestions for a concrete improvement of the supply situation, they receive these and forward them to the responsible offices.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Mission statement of the BAGP, [1] (accessed on June 10, 2020)
  2. Umbrella Association of Swiss Patient Agencies, [2] (accessed June 10, 2020)
  3. Patient participation in the G-BA, [3] (accessed June 10, 2020)
  4. § 140 f SGB V and Patient Participation Ordinance , [4] (accessed June 10, 2020)
  5. Statements of the BAGP, [5] (accessed June 10, 2020)
  6. composite independent patient counseling VUP eV [6] (accessed 10 June 2020)
  7. Criticism of the award of the UPD to Sanvartis and Careforce, [7]
  8. Patient participation activities of the BAGP, [8] (accessed June 10, 2020)
  9. Cooperation group Gesundheitsziel.de, [9] (accessed June 16, 2020)
  10. Action Alliance for Patient Safety, [10] (accessed June 16, 2020)
  11. National Health Literacy Action Plan, [11] (accessed June 16, 2020)