Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion

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Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion
legal form registered association
Seat Bonn
founding 1954

President Ute Bertram
Manager Beate Grossmann
Website www.bvpraevention.de

The Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion eV (BVPG) was founded in 1954 and is a non-profit, politically and denominationally independent association . The BVPG aims to anchor and strengthen disease prevention and health promotion not only in the German health system , but in all areas of politics and life.


The Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion e. V. performs the following tasks to fulfill this goal and in accordance with its statutes:

  • Promotion of the networking of governmental and non-governmental organizations to pool resources and achieve synergies
  • Initiation of and participation in recommendations for national targets for prevention and health promotion as well as their further development and dissemination
  • Initiation and participation in the development, further development, definition and implementation of concepts and methods for the evaluation and quality assurance of prevention and health promotion measures
  • Promotion of topics of prevention and health promotion in public and political space
  • public relation

Working method

The most important distinguishing feature of the BVPG compared to other federal or umbrella associations is that it is not specific factual or specialist topics that shape the profile of the association, but the way these topics are dealt with. The BVPG acts as a bridge between the cooperation partners from practice, science, business and politics. The focus is on the networking of the competent and responsible partner organizations, the pooling of resources, the achievement of synergies and the long-term or permanent consolidation of the resulting platforms or alliances.

The BVPG fulfills its coordination and networking function both by participating in health policy committees and by organizing and implementing workshops, conferences and congresses and thus participates in the technical and political discussion as well as in the practical implementation of health promotion and prevention in Germany .

Current topics such as healthy aging, health at work, child and youth health, exercise and nutrition, mental health and quality assurance in the area of ​​“prevention and health promotion” determine the content of the BVPG's work. The selection of the respective priority topics follows the wishes and demands of the member organizations and other cooperation partners of the federal association. Topics are also actively proposed by the BVPG itself for reasons of political importance or to promote innovative (further) developments.

organization structure

133 organizations that focus on “prevention and health promotion” are currently members of the BVPG. These include (federal) associations of the health system and health insurance companies, government agencies, health, rehabilitation and self-help organizations, chambers, associations of the healing and auxiliary professions, but also educational institutions and academies as well as other associations and individual members.

The BVPG's organs are the eleven-member board and the general assembly. Six full-time employees work in the BVPG office. The managing director of the BVPG office is Dr. Beate Grossmann.


The Federal Association is institutionally funded by the Federal Ministry of Health for its statutory objectives and tasks as well as on the basis of a current annual work program. Independently of this, projects are financed from public funds and sponsorship funds.


From the “Federal Committee for Public Health Education” to the “Federal Association for Health Education” (1969) and from there to the “Federal Association for Health” (1992), the development phases of the only national umbrella organization since 1997 for federal organizations working in the field of prevention and health promotion ran .

The renaming to today's Federal Association for Prevention and Health Promotion e. V. took place in 2007 as part of the merger with the German Forum on Prevention and Health Promotion (DFPG). Through this merger it was possible to increase the number of members.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=bvpg&snr=6669&t=Satzung
  2. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=bvpg&snr=6669&t=Satzung
  3. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=bvpg&snr=6679&t=Arbeitweise
  4. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=bvpg&snr=6679&t=Arbeitweise
  5. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=bvpg&snr=6650&t=Mitglieder+der+BVPG
  6. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=bvpg&snr=9450&t=Vorstand
  7. http://www.bvpraevention.de/cms/index.asp?inst=BVPG&snr=6655&t=Gesch%E4ftsstelle
  8. http://www.bvpraevention.de/bvpg/images//Anhaenge/BfGePresse040504.pdf
  9. http://www.bvpraevention.de/bvpg/images/publikationen/bvpg_jahresbericht_2007.pdf