Multi-tailed ring pouch

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Multi-tailed ring pouch
Subclass : Marsupials (Marsupialia)
Superordinate : Australidelphia
Order : Diprotodontia
Family : Ringbeutler (Pseudocheiridae)
Genre : New Guinea and Queensland Ringbuttler ( Pseudochirulus )
Type : Multi-tailed ring pouch
Scientific name
Pseudochirulus caroli
( Thomas , 1921)

The spotted ringbuck ( Pseudochirulus caroli ) is a marsupial from the ringbuck family known from only a few specimens caught in western New Guinea west of the Jayawijaya Mountains . A distinction is made between two subspecies, Pseudochirulus caroli caroli , the nominate form , occurs in the Weyland Mountains and Pseudochirulus caroli versteegi lives in the catchment area of ​​the Lorentz River . In Baliem Valley another form occurs, which is likely to constitute a separate, previously undescribed Ringbeutlerart.


Multi-tailed Ringbeutler have a brown fur, a head-trunk length of 30 to 36 cm and a 30 to 37 cm long tail. So far, only a single female has been weighed. It weighed 440 g. The multicolored-tailed ring-pouch differs from all other New Guinea ring-pouches by its long, white tail and from the Australian ring-pouches by the dark, gray-brown stripe on the middle of the back.

Occurrence, habitat and way of life

Distribution map of the spotted ringbutler

The multicolored ringbutler is disjointly distributed in western New Guinea and occurs there from almost sea level to an altitude of 2200 meters. So far only four regions with occurrences of the animals are known. From the few observations made so far, one can conclude that the animals are relatively agile and, in contrast to most of the other strictly nocturnal Ringbeutlers, are also sometimes active during the day. So far, nothing is known about nutrition, reproductive behavior and other behavior.


The IUCN classifies the multicolored ring bagler in the “ Least Concern ” category .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Stephen Jackson: Family Pseudocheiridae (Ring-tailed Possums and Greater Gliders). in Don E. Wilson , Russell A. Mittermeier : Handbook of the Mammals of the World - Volume 5. Monotremes and Marsupials. Lynx Editions, 2015, ISBN 978-84-96553-99-6 , page 523.
  2. Pseudochirulus caroli in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species .