Butter cider

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Buttenmost is a raw rose hip purée that is traditionally produced and sold in Switzerland in the cantons of Solothurn, Baselstadt and Baselland. The butter must is coral-colored and thick. It is used as a preliminary product for rose hip jam and as an ingredient for desserts, game dishes and pastries. As a traditional product, butten must has been included in the inventory of Swiss culinary heritage .

Dog rose rose hips
Dog rose rose hips

Butten must has been mainly produced in Hochwald since the middle of the 19th century . From formerly 30 to 40 farming families, only two farms that produce butten must have survived, although the amount produced has remained roughly the same. Originally, the rose hips were pounded by hand with wooden hammers and then strained. Today the frozen fruits are first ground and then strained, so that the peel and seeds are separated from the fruit pulp and the pulp has a fine, thick consistency. Depending on the moisture content of the rose hips, the butter must is diluted with water to ensure a constant consistency for further processing, 10 kg of rose hips result in approx. 7 to 9 kg of butter must.

Between five and six tons of butten must are produced each year, with the season running from September to November. Until the middle of the 20th century, the rose hips, usually the fruits of the dog rose , came from the immediate vicinity or from Alsace, later rose hips were imported from what was then Yugoslavia, since the 1990s the fruits have come from France, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic.


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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Buttenmost Patrimoine culinaire. Retrieved September 12, 2018 .