Butterfly (Manga)

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Butterfly ( Japanese バ タ フ ラ イ , Batafurai ) is a manga series by Yu Aikawa . The approximately 900 page manga is aimed primarily at an adult, male readership, so it can be assigned to his genre.


The protagonist Ginji Ishikawa has a strong aversion to anything occult , although every morning he imagines he sees his dead brother who has committed suicide. Despite this aversion, he is forced by his debts to Ageha to drive out spirits with him as an exorcist . Ageha looks extremely feminine , always dresses like a girl and still goes to elementary school. He has the special ability to create the thoughts of other people in his vicinity as an illusion. Since he can no longer destroy them himself, he has to rely on Ginji.


Butterfly appeared in Japan from October 2002 to November 2006 in 43 individual chapters in the manga magazine Comic Birz , in which Kyoko Karasuma and Rozen Maiden , among others , were published at the same time . The Gentosha publishing house also published these individual chapters in five anthologies.

The manga was published in Germany from December 2005 to March 2008 by Tokyopop- Verlag.

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