Buzzword compliance

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Buzzword compliance ( Engl. Buzzword , buzzword 'and compliance , compliance', 'compliance') is an ironic expression that jokingly attests a senseless conformity with newfangled buzzwords. The term is used especially in information technology and is based on English standards-compliant ('compliance with technical standards').

The catchwords can either be empty words with no tangible technical meaning or actually existing technical standards, which in the given context would be superfluous and were only implemented for marketing reasons . In a broader sense, the term can also stand for an incomprehensible expression.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Icon Group International: Trends: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases, ICON Group International, 2008, ISBN 0546653162 , page 395
  2. Tom Limoncelli and Christine Hogan: The practice of system and network administration, Addison-Wesley, 2002, ISBN 0201702711 , page 86