CA-94 (anti-aircraft missile)

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General Information
Type Anti-aircraft missile
Country of origin RomaniaRomania Romania
Manufacturer Electromecanica Ploieşti
Commissioning 1987
Technical specifications
length 1.4 m
diameter 72 mm
Combat weight 10 kg
drive Solid - rocket engine
speed Mach 1.5
Range 4.2 km
Target location passive- IR
Warhead 0.8 kg FRAG-HE
Detonator Proximity and impact fuze
Weapon platforms MANPADS
Lists on the subject

The CA-94 is a Romanian short -range surface-to-air guided missile system , a so-called MANPADS , which is intended to combat helicopters and fighter aircraft at low altitudes. The original version is a license production of the Soviet 9K32 Strela-2 .


The MANPADS consists of the rocket (A-94 or A-94M), a launch tube including a visor and a handle with integrated electronics and a thermoelectric battery . An IFF receiver can also be mounted on the front of the helmet.

As with the Soviet Strela-2 and some comparable western weapons, when the rocket booster is started it burns down completely in the launch tube, accelerates the missile to 30 m / s and sets it in rotation to ensure a more stable flight path. Acoustic signals in the shooter's headphones are used to capture a target.

After leaving the tube, the front and rear baffles fold out and the rocket motor ignites, which accelerates the guided missile to a maximum of Mach 1.5. The infrared seeker reacts to infrared radiation with a wavelength of 2.8 µm. The warhead ignites on impact on the target. It cannot completely destroy an aircraft; it can only damage the tanks, controls or the engine in such a way that it becomes incapable of flight.

The modernized missile version A-94M from 1995 differs fundamentally from the Soviet model, although the dimensions and the operation remained largely unchanged. In addition to the warhead, night combat capability and friend-foe recognition have been substantially improved, and an adaptation to NATO standards has also taken place.


The CA-94 and the significantly modernized version CA-94M have been used by the Romanian armed forces since 1987 . In 2007, Romania had 229 CA-94-MANPADS in its holdings, according to a United Nations report . The Gepard anti-aircraft tanks purchased from the Bundeswehr stock were experimentally equipped with a total of four CA-94 starters (two on each side).

Web links

Commons : CA-94  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Technical data from the Romanian Ministry of Defense
  2. Representation on the manufacturer's website Electromecanica Ploiesti SA
  3. a b c Racheta A - 94 M
  4., National Holdings in 2007